Top Polesh Petrified Wood |
Full Poleshed Petrified Wood |
Top Poles Petrified Wood |
Stoll Petrified Wood |
Coconut Petrified Wood |
Square Petrified Wood |
Slice Petrified Wood |
Collection Petrified Wood |
We produce some many products from petrified wood and sell some many kind products and designs. There are some many products are very interesting and artistic. We always give interesting offerment, competitive and low price with the best quality.
We sell from raw materials, petrified wood polished for interior decoration, stolls, tables natural, tables slab or slice, book end, cheese board (rectangular and round), candle holder, mozaik petrified, mirrors,and others product are very interesting.
Satisfaction clients or buyers is our motto and priority. Therefore we always give the best service and quality with low price and competitif. Our buyer / clients are very diverse, such as company trading handycrafts, hotels, local buyers and foreign buyer from many countrys (US, EUROPE, ASIA, and others).
We can design and costum cut to specific dimension and many size the product depends on buyer needed. We hope you interesting with our offerment products. And we hope and wait your cooperation. For more details you can visit us our showroom, send email or conect our phone number.
Pak, ada yang ukuran diameter 60 tinggi 120?